Guide for Company Membership
Fill out the online Application Form
Enter the amoun of tons of CO₂ that the company has to offset.
The preview of offsetting cost are indicative: the final costs will be reported in the Membership Agreement that you will receive by e-mail.
The online form is not a contract. It’s simply a formal, non-binding application for membership.
Any questions? Contact us.
Sign it and send back to the Alberami email address.
You will receive the credentials to access the Alberami Platform.
Keep safe your credentials.
Alberami does NOT keep any information.
To guarantee the privacy of your Company, all information are encrypted, according the Privacy Protection regulations.
Based on Membership Agreement, we assign the offsetting to your Company.
We associate the plot or plots available in the availability catalog, to offset the amount of CO₂ required by your Company.
The attribution is recorded and notarised immutably in the Distributed Ledgers.
You will receive the certificate with the list of all transactions relating to the assignment of voluntary CO₂ offsets.
Guide for company membership
Your company’s voluntary CO₂ offsetting are published on the Platform, and you can consult the related allocations without any time limit.
You will also be able to consult the entire history, from the first CO2 compensation operation, forever.
Keep your credentials: in case of loss, you must re-enter all data.
Alberami does NOT keep any login credential information.
Choose the amount of CO₂ emissions your Company wants to offset.
Pay a fair and advantageous price and achieve environmental neutrality.
We assign your request to the ‘store of captured CO2’ available by farmers.
Everything is traced and is visible according the total transparency.
The payment of your Company is distributed directly to the farmers: they will improve crops and increase CO₂ capture and storage.
Your company has taken the first step on the path towards environmental neutrality, by launching the Virtuous Economy-Agriculture-Environment Circle.
Thank you for having actively contributed to the support of a primary sector, fundamental in the fight against climate change!
Your company can do much more for the environment and future generations!
How? By improving processes and activities, from an energy and environmental point of view, so as to reduce the use of voluntary offsets of CO₂ emissions.
Alberami is waiting for you to adopt a territorial and cultural heritage that has existed for hundreds of years before us!